Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This is a Thing in the world, Part 3

Also comes in pink!
Beyond the obvious squick-button pressing, what exactly makes a Bible princessy?  I've read that fucker an awful lot, and not once in my reading did a talking crab or magic carpet interrupt my religious devotion for a whirlwind adventure.

Note that the bottom says "The ...perfect gift for 'princesses' of all ages", which to me suggests that this book isn't just for the Disney Princess 4-12-ish set, but rather for all women of all ages.  Way to infantilize.  The underlying message is that girls and women couldn't be interested in a serious "grown-up" book, and the only way to spread the Good Word to our ladybrains is to cover the damn thing with glitter and unicorn farts and trick us into reading it.

Am I the only one seeing this thing as a favor being passed out at purity balls?  Ick.

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