Wednesday, June 8, 2011



  1. I'm probably going to piss off a lot of people, so read at your own risk.

    What I understand this panel to be doing is making a very distinctive line of 'us' and 'them.' so I ask you this: What is the purpose of making that line? Why do we have to be against you if we're not with you? Why is a liberal slant on kids television, while it may be against ethics (i won't deny that) a horrible thing? one also must realize that for children to continue to have an open mind and think 'i still want to play with the hispanic child on the playground' certain liberal views MUST be called in. Just as for kids to not want to whore themselves out, certain conservative views must be called in.

    I feel like equality of any kind is becoming a crime in this country AGAIN. Shouldn't we have learned our lessons with Women's Sufferage and African American's rights? The same mistakes keep being made and it's like we're not looking back on history to realize what we've done wrong THEN and how that ties into the NOW.

    I maintain that they're not trolling, they're just naive, closed minded people who refuse to see things any other way than what THEY want to see.

  2. I posted the gif about trolling because, in my not-so humble opinion they are deliberately saying things to raise ire and cause dischord. As sad as this is, I know people who would stop letting their kids watch Elmo for fear that it would "make" their kid gay or Muslim or liberal or some other horseshit.

    Taking a simple children's message about sharing and diversity and making into a fight about political POV's is pretty damn close to professional trolling, I think. Your milage may vary.

  3. So much bullshit that my phone actually forced closed youtube and the internet not even a few minutes into the video. It was as though my phone said, 'ah fuck it all' and tried to kill itself over the stupidity that I was consuming. Gives new meaning to the term "smart phone". ;)

  4. To add to the mix, a recent author has published a book stating the Smurfs cartoon is anti-american, chock full of hippie propaganda for Communism and anti-consumerism. And I guess this is wrong?

  5. Gee, and people tell me I take cartoons too seriously.
