Sunday, June 19, 2011

Indy Pride

This Saturday was the annual Indianapolis Gay Pride Parade and I, of course, couldn’t wait to go.  While there I learned 3 things:
1.  When the Future Mr. Heather-pedia is being a grumpasaurus rex, he won’t take pictures for me.
2.  When grumpy, pouty-eyes won’t sway my grumpasaurus.
3.  I suck at taking pictures.
But here they are, as pathetic as my picture-taking may be, in all their Pride and Glory!
First we have our brave, out men and women in uniform.  We salute their sacrifice and their courage.
Yum.  What is it about a man in uniform?  Seriously?

We're a kind of pirate.
Next came the police officers. 
To protect and serve everyone!
This guy was such a hoot!  You can't tell from the crummy picture, but he is twirling a baton. He was in the parade last year, and was obviously so full of joy and life, you couldn't help but smile!

My sisters!

Reproduction Rights are a Gay Issue.  Gay Rights are a Feminist Issue.
This next one can be filed under "Not Sure if Sexist, or Reclaiming Patriarchal Imagery?

 Italian Pride Float

Dear Gay Guys, Please throw one back.  Love, Straight Girls
Kinder Pride
Guys marching for the Master/Slave float
Your kink is not my kink, but I respect your kink, sir. 
 As always, there were drag queens.  Every year these sisters manage to look more amazing and more fierce than the previous year.  I am, as always, in awe.

When I grow up, I'm gonna be President!
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you Miss and Mr. Gay Indiana
After the parade we went to the festival, where we met some weird, wonderful people and had a grand time, until I was caught trying to steal ice cream from a pack of Dykes on Bikes (it was 98 in the shade, people!  I plead temporary insanity!).   On the way, we ran into one of my oldest and dearest friends, Chad.
"Ohmigod shoez" "Bitch please!"  
I don't know what these guys were doing, but it looked fun!

Every time a state legalizes gay marriage a gay angel gets it's wings.
Finally, me and David decide to rest in the shade before heading home.  
So cute, and all mine!
And finally, Grumpy decided to grab the camera and get a shot of me.
Wonder Woman hat? Check.  Gay Pride shirt?  Check.  Cocky attitude? Check.

Happy Pride everyone!  Go hug a gay person!

1 comment:

  1. You need to invite me to come along next time! I miss you, Heather!!! Please come to visit sometime soon :) Or I'll come to you!
